
Seeking to renew our city through the gospel.


To see a gospel movement that reconciles people back to God and transforms them into a community that is sent out to love and serve the city. We hope to see our city experience spiritual, social, and cultural renewal through the demonstration and declaration of the gospel for the glory of God.

Core Values

Our core values can be summed up in three words: gospel, community, and mission. These are the fundamental convictions that drive, shape, and undergird the mission and vision of Redeemer City.


The gospel literally means "news that brings joy." The good news found in the Scriptures is that, through Christ, the power of God’s kingdom has entered history to renew the whole world. This renewing work of Jesus rescues us from our sin and changes us from the inside out into people who desire to live like Him.


The gospel not only reconciles us back to God, it also reconciles us to one another into a new family. It is in the context of this new family that we learn and grow to love one another regardless of our differences, with the same love Christ has shown us.


The gospel not only welcomes us in but also sends us out. In John 20:21, Jesus says, "As the Father has sent me, so now I send you." This means that we are called to participate with God in his mission. We seek to embody and proclaim the gospel winsomely both in the city of Madison as well as abroad through strategic partnerships in Guatemala and North Africa.